The challenges that the electrical contracting and construction industry faces ebb and flow throughout the years.
Of course, there's a whole new level of weird right now. But, even amidst the oddities of 2020, the interesting thing that we've noticed is that we're still facing some of the same challenges that we've had in the past, and then there's other challenges that the entire sector is up against, in general, that we're on the lookout for, too.
For this next series, we are going to focus on a “challenge” that we see on the job/out in the field, and talk through them. This is coming from our perspective which has 31 years now to take into consideration, so a lot of insight that we can bring to the table and how we manage things, and/or how we're seeking to combat challenges we're facing.
It’s a great way to show you how we think, which is important for us to put out into the world. Also, we're provide some insights and ways that we solve the challenges or are seeking to solve each topic that we'll touch on so perhaps it can help others that own businesses similar to ours or for those that are looking to get into the industry.
Even if we don't have answers to some of the challenges that we face, we'll provide our insight on the challenge itself, and sometimes just putting things out there can offer new perspectives.
There are many key areas that we can touch on, because "challenges" can come in many forms on the job day-to-day. Some of these topics will be around:
- safety
- materials
- integrating tech
- crew/hiring
- things we see in the field (electrician lens)
- potential disputes within the construction industry
- etc.
There's a lot that has changed and will continue to change, that's the one constant we can all bank on, and one of these things is definitely the large shifts in skills needed as the industry integrates newer technologies.
What's coming up in Part 1: A key challenge that is a consistent issue for many in our industry, us included, is the lack of qualified candidates to fill open positions.
We're going to hit on this in Part 1 of this new series so make sure to stay connected to us so that you don't miss it!